Yahoo App For Windows 10 Has Officially Been Discounted

Yahoo App will not longer be available on Windows 10

If you are a Windows 10 user with a Yahoo e-mail account, there is a pretty good chance that you have been taking advantage of the Yahoo mail app over the past few months. Unfortunately, some bad news has been going around the community, as the app has been sending cancellation notifications to current users. The current message says that the app will be discontinued as of May 22. While the app is still showing up on the Window store listing, it is no longer possible for users to download it.

How To Continue Sending And Receiving Mail

Most users are wondering how they are going to continue sending and receiving mail after the cancellation date. The answer is really simply. While it might be more of a hassle, users are going to have to user their browser to login to their yahoo mail account or look for additional third-party software. Unfortunately, the Yahoo! Email application will cease to work after it has been shut down on May the 22nd. Therefore, users will need to find an alternative.

May 22, the day that Yahoo App will not be more available on Windows 10

 Some Features Already Shutting Down

There are several reports going around that some users are already unable to use the app. Originally, this was not supposed to happen until the May 22 deadline. It was made very clear that users would still be able to use the app until the deadline. However, there have been no reports of technical difficulties. Just because the app isn’t working doesn’t mean that you are locked out of your data, or you are going to be restricted access. All you have to do is access your browser and you will be able to log into your e-mail services that way. Of course, this will be more of a hassle, and you will lose some of your features, but you can still access your e-mails.

Why Is The App Shutting Down

As of right now there is no official statement, as to why the application is being discontinued, but many are speculating that it has to do with the small number of users. Along with this, over the last couple of years, Yahoo has experienced several security issues, so it could have something to do with this as well. Also, the recent acquisition of Yahoo by Verizon could very well have something to do with the shutdown. Nevertheless, Yahoo has not released an official statement at this point in time, so the real reason for the move is unknown.

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